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Why exit surveys are important

How many of you have conducted an exit interview or exit survey as an employee leaves your business?  Hmmm, I’m not seeing many hands go up so let’s chat about what the difference is and what you should be doing to get the best results for your business. When an employee resigns, there is a […]

It's all in the design

Psychosocial safety has emerged as a critical focus area in modern workplaces, especially as businesses seek to ensure not just the physical wellbeing of their employees but also their mental and social wellbeing and safety. This can be a challenging area for some to manage as there are many moving parts, but one powerful way […]

Reminder: Changes to casual employment

Recently we wrote about the changes that the Closing the Loopholes legislation is bringing to casual employment kicking off on 26th August.  It’s been a busy year for all of us so these changes may not be registering on your radar.  Here’s a quick reminder: Definition of a Casual In short, the definition of a […]

What is regular and systematic?

In our last blog, we talked about the changes coming to casual employment as of 26th August this year.   This time, we are taking a look at one of the key elements of casual employment that underpins the definition and will assist you when assessing an application from an employee who wishes to convert from […]

Right to Disconnect

Within the media, there has been a lot of talk about the Right to Disconnect legislation. With sensational headlines abounding, it would be fair to think that any and all after hours communications with employees will be completely out of bounds once this legislation goes live. That is not actually the case so let’s take […]

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