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Inbox Zero - it's really possible

September 12, 2022

​Unicorns, Big Foot and Inbox Zero – all highly sought yet creations generated by myth.  Hang on, haven’t there been photos of Big Foot which means at least one of these is real?

All jokes aside, Inbox Zero for some of us, is a utopian dream whereas for others it is a daily reality that helps them stay on top of work and keeps the email clutter under control.  But what is it and how can you get there?

What is Inbox Zero?
Without doubt, email is now an essential part of business, but it can also be a massive drain on productivity if we make the mistake of getting caught in too many communications.

Merlin Mann coined the phrase “Inbox Zero” way back in 2004 and despite the label it’s not a reference to the number of emails in your inbox at a specific time.  Its about regaining control, “it’s how much of your own brain is in that inbox.”[1]   What a magnificent thought, less brain time and power being consumed by your inbox!
Mann had a very simple formula for reaching the Inbox Zero ideal:

  1. Delete – does this email require you to do anything or does it contain information that you need or is helpful in your role?   If it is no to both questions, then bin it.   If you are in anyway uncomfortable about simply deleting an email, archive it so it is out of your inbox but accessible if you made a mistake.  Either way, make the decision quickly and move on.
  2. Delegate – should someone else respond to this email who is better qualified to answer?  Yes – then forward it on and then delete/archive.  You may want to set yourself a reminder to check in on progress if you need to be overseeing it but that’s a call you can make with each piece.
  3. Do – does this email need a response and you are the right person to do so?  Can you answer quickly?  Then respond, delete/archive and move on.
  4. Defer – this is for the emails that need you to respond but they need a longer response, have information or attachments you need to review or require some research or thought.  Set up a folder specifically for these emails – you could call it “To Respond” or something that works for you.  We recommend moving it there immediately and using the ‘follow up’ tool to make sure you don’t forget about it or assign time in your calendar to review and respond.

Since Mann’s initial formulas were circulated there have been plenty of productivity specialists with their own take on Inbox Zero – you just have to Google the term to see how big this idea now is now. Before you race off and waste all of your time researching the multitude of iterations, the idea is about keeping it simple.  And to help simplify it, following are some ideas you can use in conjunction with Manns four steps outlined above:

  1. Unsubscribe from anything that is no longer helpful. 
    Naturally the HR Staff n’ Stuff newsletter does NOT fall into this category, but how many emails do you get because you signed up for that one webinar or a discount code and you no longer need any of it.  If there are a lot, check out Unroll.Me and really clean out that inbox!
  2. Let folders be your friend.
    Set up your folders to suit your style and then use them to archive emails you don’t want to delete.  Using folders for archiving purposes will save you the stress of simply deleting if that makes you uncomfortable.  It’s likely you won’t need everything you pop in the folder but if it makes you feel better and it’s out of your inbox, then you are winning!
  3. Move out of your inbox!
    Don’t be in your email all day, every day.  Allocate specific times each day when you will jump in and work through your new inbox zero process of dealing with emails.  Allow time for the emails you have deferred so they are not hanging about causing stress!  Inbox Zero does not allow for procrastination! A big tip from us is to absolutely without question turn off email notifications. The worst thing you can do for quality and productivity is have little constant pops ups distracting you.
  4. Your inbox is not a to do list! 
    Use programs like Trello or Todoist to create actionable to-do lists that can link to the very emails that initiated the work so you don’t lose track of the who, when what or why, but it is out of your inbox and reducing the clutter.  Or, and hear me out here, have a notebook with a to do list!  I know, it’s so 1980s retro!  Either way, once it is on your to do list, delete or archive the email. (Just gottasay it – nothing more satisfying them manually drawing a line through a task on a handwritten to do list…. But I’m old school…😊)

If you want to reduce the distractions and time wasting that occurs with email, give Inbox Zero a go and get hours back into your day!  And if you need support with any other time management issues you are facing in your business, give the HR Staff n’ Stuff team a call and we can develop a session that specifically addresses the needs of you and your team.

[1] Merlin Mann, 43 Folders

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