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Family and domestic violence - supporting your team

November 30, 2023

The reality is that over the Christmas and new year period, family and domestic violence rates increase. That’s right, the time that brings joy and relaxing holidays for many of us, brings heightened danger and fear for others.

The holiday period can bring additional financial and emotional stresses to already fraught relationships. These factors do not cause violence, but the evidence shows that these elements, along with an increase in alcohol consumption and gambling, can escalate existing patterns of violence and control. Combine this with the fact that many spaces that usually provide respite, such as school or work, can be closed for extended periods placing the vulnerable at home where perpetrators have easy access.

In an earlier blog, HR Staff n’ Stuff have outlined the changes in the Fair Work Act that have embedded a right for all employees to access Family and Domestic Violence leave. It’s really important that you understand your obligations as an employer and have processes in place to facilitate access to this leave if or when required.

At this time of year, it’s appropriate that you check in with your team and ensure communication is delivered, outlining the support mechanisms available for those impacted by family and domestic violence, should they be required. Clarify that your team are across the detail and that they have the contact details of the responsible person who is available across the holiday period if they need to have a confidential discussion or have an emergency situation.

It is also important to have an up to date policy outlining what family and domestic violence is and common signs which will allow all team members to be alert to clues a colleague may require support. A strong policy will also outline the leave entitlements and how they can be accessed. It must also communicate the importance of confidentiality in these matters – this relates to privacy for the individual as well as addressing safety concerns.

Crucially, you must remember that most of us have no experience in handling a family and domestic violence situation so both you and your employees should not try to fix the problem. Instead, assist them as best as you can and direct them to support services where trained professionals can guide them safely.

To that end, it is wise to publicise the external support options that are available across Australia to all of your team. As we know, family and domestic violence occurs behind closed doors and can happen to anyone, so you won’t necessarily know who needs help. Simply communicating that as a business you are willing to address these matters and make it easier for anyone to access the family and domestic violence provisions may be the opening a vulnerable employee needs to look for the support they need.

The following organisations are recommended for those requiring family and domestic violence support:

Phone - 1800 737 732
Website -
1800RESPECT is the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service. This service can be contacted by those experiencing domestic violence or by those who know or suspect it is occurring and require advice on what to do.
In an emergency, call 000.

1800RESPECT Service Directory
The 1800RESPECT online service directory is a free national database which lists state and territory community-based service support services for domestic, family and sexual violence.

Full Stop Australia
Phone - 1800 385 578
Full Stop Australia offers confidential, trauma specialist counselling for people of all genders who are impacted by sexual, domestic or family violence and abuse. They also offer these services to friends, colleagues and family members.

If you require further assistance in updating your family and domestic support processes, please contact the HR Staff n’ Stuff team now. If you have any urgent matter across the holiday period, we will have an emergency contact available during regular business hours with details available on our office voicemail.

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