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Christmas parties and more

T’is the season to be jolly, or at least it nearly is and that means the annual Christmas parties are about to commence.  Before you dust off the tinsel and the dancing shoes, you need to go through our checklist below so you can be sure you don’t end up with any after party surprises […]

Temporary workplace shutdowns and annual leave

This year has seen legislative changes to employment law coming in faster than a new trend on Tik Tok. This one is a biggie for businesses who have a shutdown period and as many of you are planning a temporary workplace shutdown across the Christmas period, you need to factor in this change to ensure […]

AI technology in your business

For some of us less tech capable people, the sudden introduction of AI technology has us a little overwhelmed. Let’s be honest, Skynet and it’s unleashing of Terminators on John Connor probably didn’t paint AI as a positive force for good.  For those not scarred by Arnie melting in the fiery pits of the steelworks, […]

Can you refuse an annual leave request?

Who doesn’t love annual leave!  Whether it’s sitting by a pool sipping cocktails, skiing down a mountain rejoicing in a fresh dusting of snow or maybe it’s exploring a new country and absorbing all that the local culture has to offer.  Without doubt, holidays are vital to both physical and mental wellbeing and of course […]

Psychosocial Hazards in the workplace

Psychosocial hazards seem to be receiving a lot of attention – but why? The easy answer is that there is change to Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) laws and in particular, the Commonwealth Code of Practice on managing psychosocial hazards at work that took effect on 1st April.  Let’s dive in and take a look […]

Sexual harassment and hostile work environments

Next up on our coverage of changes made through the December Fair Work amendments or rather, the Secure Jobs, Better Pay Act, are provisions that cover the prohibition of sexual harassment at work. It’s unfortunate that in 2023 we still need to legislate for behaviour that should have disappeared into the archives with the Carry […]

Public holidays for summer 2022/23

What a ride 2022 has been! A little different to the last couple of years with no lockdowns thankfully but still plenty of highs and lows to keep us all on the very tips of our toes.  As we head into that glorious time of the year in which most of us have the privilege of not knowing what the date is let alone the day, it's time for HR Staff'n' Stuff to take all the confusion out of what's a public holiday and what's not and what that actually means for [...]

Performance versus Trust – which one makes the difference?

​There's no question that performance is important in the workplace and is generally a key metric within a business when it comes to annual reviews. But what happens when trust starts to erode within a team, or if it wasn’t there in the first place? What's more important - performance or trust when it comes to building a successful and sustainable business?Simon Sinek worked with the Navy Seals who are the top of the pops when it comes to high-functioning teams and asked them how th [...]

Consultation and workplace changes

​Business is an organic beast.  You may have a single, specialised product or you may have a complex business model that delivers services or goods across a spectrum of industries. No matter what you do, how you structure your team may need to change over time and this kind of change requires business leaders to consult with their employees.  Not only is it best practice, in most cases, it is a legislative requirement that will also keep you out of trouble if the process is foll [...]

Who is a close contact?

​We know that as far as COVID-19 is concerned, most of us have reached saturation levels when it comes to absorbing information.  Regardless of how exhausted we all are, with respect to directives regarding how we need to operate in order to minimise the impact of the virus, it is necessary keep up to date with  important information that may impact how you manage your staffing levels and the work flow in your business.  Being a close contact does not necessarily mean [...]

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