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Stop all the busyness

When leading a team, capacity is (or should be) a major focus.  Ensuring you have the right balance in terms of headcount and skill set that allows your business to deliver services or products to clients is essential.  It’s stating the obvious really but if you don’t have your eye on work capacity, how would […]

Building a supportive workplace culture

As a Gen X’er heading out into the workforce in the late 1980s, things were very different to the workplaces of 2024. We still had secretaries, the last of the tea ladies were still around, ashtrays on the desk and smoking in the office were perfectly normal, the Coles Cafeteria was still kind of fancy […]

Abandonment of employment

One fine Tuesday morning, during the busiest time of year for your business, Jeremy doesn’t show up for work.  He’s normally a little tardy so no real concern.  But now he’s thirty minutes late and it’s more than annoying, you are getting a little concerned.  There’s been no phone call, email, or SMS message to […]

Workplace trust. Is it that important?

Imagine walking into work each day where every interaction feels like navigating a labyrinth of suspicion and doubt. It’s soul destroying.  Something, somewhere has gone awry and while there can be many reasons for such a massive breakdown of team cohesion, trust is definitely one of the key elements that has gone missing. Trust - […]

Fraudulent behaviour in the workplace

Of late, we have been working with an increasing number of clients dealing with significant issues involving fraudulent behaviour and serious misconduct. Such behaviours within a business are not new, but it does feel that there is a rise in occurrences which is concerning. All is not lost though, as you can take proactive steps […]

What's personality got to do with it?

Great leaders know and understand the importance of surrounding themselves with the right team.  What that ‘right’ is depends on the business but generally we advise that you need to tick boxes in applicable skillsets, talents and knowledge.  But it’s more than just these tangible competencies that will deliver you the best, you need the […]

What is DiSC?

At HR Staff n’ Stuff we LOVE DiSC! Love. Strong word, but that’s because DiSC delivers a powerful result when the right DiSC tools are used to achieve enhanced levels of performance and culture in a business…… So, what is it exactly? DiSC® is the leading personal assessment tool used by over one million people […]

Is toxic behaviour damaging your business?

Geraldine loves her new job!  The role is perfect for her current skillset and there are ample opportunities to stretch and grow.  The conditions are awesome with flexible options for being on site and working from home.  Geraldine loves being in the office and connecting with her colleagues and they often head out for a […]

Performance versus Trust – which one makes the difference?

​There's no question that performance is important in the workplace and is generally a key metric within a business when it comes to annual reviews. But what happens when trust starts to erode within a team, or if it wasn’t there in the first place? What's more important - performance or trust when it comes to building a successful and sustainable business?Simon Sinek worked with the Navy Seals who are the top of the pops when it comes to high-functioning teams and asked them how th [...]

Employee Retention - more important than ever!

​​Without doubt, we are currently working through some interesting times when it comes to recruiting for our clients with a candidate shortage in almost all categories from hospitality to construction, from admin to account management.  Which all sets the scene for retention of quality employees being even more important than ever before. Losing employees and having to go through the recruitment process is costly.  Not only will you likely face lost productivity with [...]

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