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Domestic Violence Leave: Update for Small Businesses

As of 1st August, paid family and domestic violence leave (FDV) entitlements for employees of small businesses came into effect. We know we’ve talked about family and domestic violence leave previously but this is part two of the legislative roll out and an important reminder to all regarding obligations and entitlements. Small Businesses These changes […]

New financial year, new rules

Last week,  a lot of us had eyes locked on multiple screens as desperately scrambled to score tickets to a Taylor Swift concert, so we might not have noticed a new financial year had kicked off bringing a swag of changes. Minimum wage increase Everyone is likely across this change, so this is just a […]

Can you refuse an annual leave request?

Who doesn’t love annual leave!  Whether it’s sitting by a pool sipping cocktails, skiing down a mountain rejoicing in a fresh dusting of snow or maybe it’s exploring a new country and absorbing all that the local culture has to offer.  Without doubt, holidays are vital to both physical and mental wellbeing and of course […]

Public holidays for summer 2022/23

What a ride 2022 has been! A little different to the last couple of years with no lockdowns thankfully but still plenty of highs and lows to keep us all on the very tips of our toes.  As we head into that glorious time of the year in which most of us have the privilege of not knowing what the date is let alone the day, it's time for HR Staff'n' Stuff to take all the confusion out of what's a public holiday and what's not and what that actually means for [...]

Procedural fairness matters - A case study

Over the past few weeks, a large proportion of Twitter employees around the world have been fired.  No redundancy process, no consultation processes, no due process.  Many found out their jobs were gone when they tried to login in to work remotely and their credentials were invalid while others were lucky enough to receive an email advising the end of their employment.​The big issue here, is that in Australia, this simply isn’t legal.  You cannot just fire an employee [...]

Common HR mistakes

​Managing people can be one of the hardest parts of being a business leader.  Let’s face it, people are complex and all of us come with our varying range of personal behaviours, health concerns, life experiences or outside forces that may leak into the workplace and complicate matters.  That’s not to say that leading and managing people isn’t without its rewards because there is a real joy to be had when you team clicks, and you are all ticking off personal and [...]

Countdown to Christmas

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…..Oops, just getting into the spirit because the reality is that Christmas decorations are starting to appear in the shops and it’s nearly time to get your tinsel on.  ​To help reduce the overload that tends to happen as we slide into the end of year, we’ve got a checklist of key things to get done so you are ready for the silly season and all the craziness it brings. 1.ShutdownWill you be shutting down over the [...]

Inbox Zero - it's really possible

​Unicorns, Big Foot and Inbox Zero – all highly sought yet creations generated by myth.  Hang on, haven’t there been photos of Big Foot which means at least one of these is real? All jokes aside, Inbox Zero for some of us, is a utopian dream whereas for others it is a daily reality that helps them stay on top of work and keeps the email clutter under control.  But what is it and how can you get there? What is Inbox Zero?Without doubt, email is now an essen [...]

Get your EOFY ducks in a row

​​As we breathe a sigh of relief over the end of the ubiquitous election ads, along come the EOFY jingles that are equally as annoying.  But just like political advertising, they do serve a purpose in reminding us that a pivotal date is looming and action is required.  Whether you are new to business or an experienced leader, there is a lot to remember so we’ve pulled together a quick overview of key EOFY considerations:RECONCILIATION - Make tax time easier on [...]

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