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The basics of business record keeping

As HR consultants, we are often asked about the record-keeping obligations businesses must be across in Australia. With so many changes to workplace laws over the last couple of years, it's more important than ever to stay on top of your record-keeping duties. Let's dive into what the Fair Work Act 2009 and Fair Work […]

So this happened: A WorkSafe Inspection

When it comes to the information we produce for you all, we know that psychosocial safety is one of the least popular.  Fair enough – it’s a big topic and it can feel very overwhelming when there is so much to do when leading a business. Recently though, one of our clients was faced with […]

Approving or rejecting annual leave requests

T’is nearly the season for all the annual leave forms to come flooding in, tra la la la la la la la la.  OK, not everyone wants to take time off at Christmas time but now is a good time as any to have a serious chat about annual leave and what sorts of considerations […]

It's all in the design

Psychosocial safety has emerged as a critical focus area in modern workplaces, especially as businesses seek to ensure not just the physical wellbeing of their employees but also their mental and social wellbeing and safety. This can be a challenging area for some to manage as there are many moving parts, but one powerful way […]

Why Documentation is Important

As HR consultants, we know firsthand how crucial documentation can be when managing employees and keeping your business running smoothly. Yes, we know it can be tedious and one of those jobs that you always think you will get to, or you question whether that conversation was important enough to document but trust us when […]

Should you offer more annual leave?

It’s the middle of winter and for many, accessing some annual leave and escaping to warmer climes to enjoy a relaxing holiday is a key motivator that keeps them getting out of bed on these chilly and bleak mornings.    We all know that as per the National Employment Standards, all full-time employees receive twenty […]

Fraudulent behaviour in the workplace

Of late, we have been working with an increasing number of clients dealing with significant issues involving fraudulent behaviour and serious misconduct. Such behaviours within a business are not new, but it does feel that there is a rise in occurrences which is concerning. All is not lost though, as you can take proactive steps […]

2 Second Lean

As a business owner or leader, I bet you are constantly thinking of and planning ways to continuously improve your business?  Well of course, that’s what a great business thinker should be doing but it doesn’t always have to involve grand, long term plans that involve huge capital expenditure.  Improving your business can be as […]

Zero tolerance

Workplace safety isn't just a boring box to tick off on your employee handbook. It's the invisible superhero cape that keeps us all from turning into workplace casualties. Whether you're slinging code at a tech startup or installing the latest fit out, we all share this universal truth: a safe workplace is a happy, productive […]

AI technology in your business

For some of us less tech capable people, the sudden introduction of AI technology has us a little overwhelmed. Let’s be honest, Skynet and it’s unleashing of Terminators on John Connor probably didn’t paint AI as a positive force for good.  For those not scarred by Arnie melting in the fiery pits of the steelworks, […]

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