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5 steps to making difficult conversations easier

​​More often than not, difficult conversations are the cornerstone of HR work which might be why we are often considered the bad guys.  In reality though, the tough conversations we have on behalf of our clients are based on fixing a problem that is impacting the business, other employees and the recipient of the tough talk.  There are ways to manage difficult conversations that make them effective for both sides… 1. Preparation Is the KeyIf you don&rsquo [...]


​Sports stars do feedback well – they have coaches and teams behind them that review their performance and provide feedback on what they did well and where they need to make changes to hit the one percenters that take them to the winners' circle.  It’s no different in business.  Feedback – while not always easy to take or give – can make the difference between your business and employees sta [...]

Managing employees remotely

​Working from home was around before Covid showed up but the lasting impact of the last two years is that we now have more people than ever mixing things up when it comes to where and how they work.  Managing from a distance, managing hybrid work situations or managing teams that are not always able to connect onsite as they did in the past, brings new benefits and challenges to leadership.   Having your people on site and accessible makes managing behaviours, boostin [...]

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