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Change management tips and how to take your team forward

Bob Dylan sang about “the times they are a’ changing” way back in 1964 reflecting the significant upheaval that was occurring. Sixty years later, change is one of the consistent things about life – just when we think things are stable and we know what is going on, BANG! Change slaps us in the face […]

What is regular and systematic?

In our last blog, we talked about the changes coming to casual employment as of 26th August this year.   This time, we are taking a look at one of the key elements of casual employment that underpins the definition and will assist you when assessing an application from an employee who wishes to convert from […]

Casual employees and the new rules

For those businesses wanting, or requiring, casual employees as a part of their workforce, more changes have been made as a part of the Closing the Loopholes no. 2  legislation that has now passed through Federal Parliament.  The changes impacting how we look at ‘casual employment’ take effect on 26 August 2024 so let’s look […]

Minimum Wage Review 2024

A key factor in determining business budgets for the new financial year is determining what your payroll costs will look like for the coming twelve months.  This year, we are in the fortunate position of receiving an early announcement from the Fair Work Commission as to their decision on the annual Minimum Wage Review.  There […]

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